Why Kinesiology?
When something goes wrong with our body we often seek explanations for the dis-ease only in terms of a dysfunctional physiology. We see our body as being like a mechanical device with parts that interact and make it work. The failure of this interaction between parts of the body apparatus is often given as the reason for our discomfort, pain and dis-ease. It is the role of allopathic medicine to provide relief from our symptoms by prescribing medications and if required performing surgery. These options are for the most part legitimate and necessary but they do not in many instances address all or any of the underlying causes of our health problems.
What is Kinesiology?
Allopathic medicine is a physical modality as are most modalities. By that I mean they work at a physical level. Kinesiology works like acupuncture on your energy system. Kinesiology is working on the “E” side of Einstein’s equation E=MC2. Medicine and other modalities work primarily from the “M” side of the equation. Kinesiology works by changing the energetic field to affect the physical whereas medicine changes the physical (mass) which can have an effect on the energetic field. An example are drugs that intentionally or unintentionally affect our mood or emotional states.
In your energy system lives a reflection of your physical body but also your emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. It is these emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that drive and motivate physical activity and responses to our environment which includes our interpersonal interactions. Stressors are therefore either physical in cause or arise out of our emotional, mental and spiritual environment or a combination of all four elements. Kinesiology is therefore about connecting mind and body to understand the basis of our dis-ease.
There have been many different systems developed and described as kinesiology but they all have the same root and contain the elements expressed in the definition made by the British Parliament:
“Kinesiology, literally the study of body movement, encompasses holistic health disciplines, which use the gentle muscle testing to monitor information about a person’s well-being. It originated in the 1960’s combining Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies factors which block the body’s natural healing process. These dysfunctions are rectified by attention to reflex and acupuncture points, the use of specific body movements and nutritional support. Kinesiology can also relieve pain, stress, muscular and nervous disorders, detect allergies, nutritional deficiencies; assist with psychological and learning problems, stimulate energies and release untapped potential.”
Where does my stress come from?
As young people we develop strategies to survive within the family unit and in the wider community particularly at school. These strategies may help us when we have no other tools or awareness to deal with a new or ongoing stressor but they often lead to added stress when we try to cope with adult life using those same strategies. For example if our strategy was compliance to obtain approval and avoid conflict then the resulting beliefs that “I have to keep everyone happy” and “My needs are secondary to others” can lead to us trying very hard to please others at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. We literally focus on others needs and give our energy to satisfying those needs unconsciously neglecting ourselves. I have had people unable to tell me what their needs are due to having adopted this common strategy.
Understanding Our Stress Patterns
Once our patterns of response to stressors are made conscious we have choice in how we respond to others in the future. So, what is your strategy; we all have one or two and they will show up as repeating stress patterns in three areas of our lives; our vocation (work), our relationships and our location (where we live). Look at the Venn diagram below and identify where you experience the most stress and then take a look at your whole life and try to reflect on what patterns of behaviour are having an influence on your area of stress. It is not uncommon for people to experience stress in all three areas as these parts of our life overlap with stress in one area affecting another. Our patterns of response to stress in these three areas can literally make us feel pain, discomfort and disease. Through kinesiology you will be able to identify your survival patterns, release your stress, ease or eliminate your physical discomfort and know what choices and different strategies that are available to you to deal with situations you find stressful.