The 4 Responses to Trauma

There are 4 physiological components of trauma which are always present to some degree in a person who has suffered a traumatic event or a series of events that all add up to trauma. I have also noticed that when a person is stressed and experiences an event that...

Adrenal Fatigue

This is one of the most common conditions of modern urbanised man.  Dr G.E. Poesnecker N.D. D.C. wrote in an article for Health and Healing in 1983 that almost everyone experiences an episode of adrenal exhaustion at some time in their lives. He defined two causes for...

How Our Mental & Emotional State Affects Our Function

It is evident that our emotions and thoughts has an effect on our function but they have no form that we have been able to identify.  They exist but have no visible or tangible shape or form.  How do they affect physical function? For thousands of years the Chinese...

It’s All In Your Head?

There have been many times that I have had people come to me with all the test results they have from their doctor. Often there is nothing which is outside the normal range in the results but the person either has fatigue, pain, brain fog, lack of concentration or...