Allergies and Intolerances, Kinesiology, Medical Conditions, Nutrition & Foods, Skin Conditions
ECZEMA Eczema is characterized by papules in areas such as the elbows and knees and sometimes on the face and neck. People can occasionally get these over their abdomen and in other places. They itch and feel dry and seem to get worse if scratched. Allergies to...Digestive Problems, Medical Conditions
Like so many other chronic health problem gastric reflux seems to be increasing in its incidence. The problem seems to affect people in their 40’s and beyond although there are some younger people who have this condition. Many people think this disorder is caused by...Hormonal Imbalances, Medical Conditions
PREMENSTRUAL TENSION (PMT) or PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) According to Henry Osiecki [i] up to 85% of women between the commencement of menstruation and menopause report some symptoms of premenstrual syndrome with 20% to 40% believing that their symptoms are a...